Friday, 14 March 2014

Switching my blog to our new site

We are going to switch our Blog entries to our new site
On here you will be able to keep up to date with all at Gwynfryn and our progress with the Taberncal Chapel.
We would appreciate if you could follow us on Twitter & Facebook and also 'Like' our website.
The new site is slowly moving up the Google rankings and we hope to have it on page 1 in the next month or so.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Good news - Bad News

Good News: We have finally completed the Building Regulations for the Chapel and are in a position to start work.

Bad News: It has now been confirmed the Grant Funding we had hoped for is not going to be available.

So what now?

We are now going to look at just the renovation of the Vestry into the holiday-let. Hopefully starting work in he next week or so. Our plans will be to try and have this up and running for the summer.

We would like to try and make use of the Chapel. We have started looking into it being used for several events which could make use of the building in its current condition.
If you have any suggestions please contact us.

Please check out our new B&B website
We are still updating information and hope to have our online booking system up and running by the end of the week. We will also have a blog page on the site which will eventually replace this one.

Back soon to keep you updated.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

2014 the start of a new year and the new Tabernacl Chapel in Conwy

Back in September 2013 after a long long process we finally got our Planning Approval passed.
The application went in front of the Planning Committe and with the help of our town councillor Sara Alladice, we received an unaminous vote.

The next stage was to put the project through Building Regulations. After another delay we started the process in December and are expecting this to be completed next week (fingers crossed).

Unfortunately the project was reliant on the grants which having been available last year, then not, then available maybe this year, then maybe not (I think you can see where this is going). It's looking more and more likely that these are not going to be available. Therefore we have had to re-look at the project and are now planning to do this in stages.
Our first stage will be to convert the Vestry into the holiday-let, followed by the rooms in the loft space of the Chapel and lastly the Chapel Hall.
IF (yes a big if) things go as planned we hope to tender the Vestry work over the next few weeks and look at starting the work towards the end of February. Not sure how long it will take but guess around 3 months. Maybe start renting out in June.

As it now looks like the work will not start in the Chapel, we are going to start trying to think of uses in its current condition. We may be able to remove some pews to create a useful space. We are open to suggestions and once we have a more defined plan of the initial work on the Vestry we can look more closely at this.

Well that's it for now I will be keeping this more updated now and will upload the plans next week.